
The present study aims to analyze the panel of the Brazilian social indicators before and after the implementation of the Bolsa Familia Program (Family Purse Program). For this investigation, the theoretical orientation used was the multidimensionality of poverty, the aspects of social inequalities and a short history of the international and Brazilian experiences of income transfer programs. As an analytic range, the years from 2001 to 2006 were chosen, because 2001-2003 are considered to be the pre-implementation of the Bolsa Familia Program, and 2004-2006 are its post-implementation. For the comparative analysis of the data, the Geometric Average Rate and the Growing Rate were used. The results showed that many indicators had positive figures, especially those related to the purposes of the Bolsa Familia Program. Thus, there was a decrease in the mortality and infant mortality gross rates, an increase of life expectancy at birth, a reduction of illiteracy, an increase in the average study years of the population, in the educational investment, in health expenses, in the coverage of public services and social infrastructure, an increase of families with durable goods, a decrease in the poor and indigent population, an increase of the poor people’s income, a decrease in income concentration. The results speak in favor of the politics of income transfers, as an inductor element of social improvements, although it is not apart from other positive conditioners. Key-Words: Social indicadors. Bolsa Familia Program. Public policies.

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