
Understanding foreign words as terms full of symbolic values related to the speakers of the language from where the loan word comes from (GARCEZ & ZILLES, 2001) and the image as a semiotic resource that reveals meanings, values and ideologies (DIONÍSIO, 2011)that can be interpreted through a visual literacy (ALMEIDA, 2011), this article presents the results of research about critical reading of anglicisms and images located at frontal labels of products sold in Guarabira – PB, these labels are considered as textual genres. According to Bakthin (1979) and Marcuschi (2011) a textual genre is characterized by its communicative purpose, theme, style and schematic structure, it is relatively stable but at the same time dynamic and malleable. The main objective of the research was to promote a reading of these anglicisms associated with the images and inform about the importance of looking up their meanings in the context of a specific field of interest So as to do that, the visual grammar (KRESS & VAN LEEUWEN, 2006) was used as a tool for data analysis, showing the representational, interactive and compositional meanings in the product labels, The research method used was an applied approach, with descriptive purpose of registration, quantification, observation and identification of meanings presented in the visual and verbal information in the labels, and it was also a qualitative research because it promoted an interpretative and critical analysis of the data selected among the 99 collected, based on a visual and verbal text reading. Results pointed out that the arrangement of the elements can cause more or less interaction between the participants represented in the image and the participant outside it, that is, the reader / observer / consumer, leading him/her to the desire to buy the product, and also to express ideological conceptions of gender and ethnicity.

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