
Our research is related to the historical, ethnological, cultural and linguistic understanding of the preconditions and factors that influenced the emergence and functioning of Ukrainianisms in the Czech language. We will talk about interlingual homonyms and paronyms, by which we will understand the semantic borrowing, which expands the meaning of words in the native language of the Volyn Czechs. This subtype of borrowing will be classified according to its linguistic affiliation to the languages from which it originates (Ukrainian or Russian). For understanding the meaning of the words, we will give the context in which they were used. However, due to the large number of Ukrainian lexical borrowsngs, we offer only a selection of the most common and most interesting from a linguistic point of view. In the future, you can see that some types of borrowings are not mentioned in our work, because we work only with borrowings used by speakers. It should be noted that for us the semantic borrowing represents those borrowings that formally exist in the Czech language, but have a changed or expanded meaning due to the influence of the Ukrainian language. In the article some lexical levels of borrowing were considered, the exact description of the chosen borrowings was given with the comments in tables. It is determined that the most numerous group of semantic borrowinsg are verbs, and the smallest group includes adverbs. Also in our scientific research we mentioned three types of lexical borrowings, for example: word-formation (creation of a completely new word), semantic (expansion of the meaning of the source language) and translation (direct translation from the source language into the mother (native) language). This definition must be exactly interpreted, as the delimitations between each types of borrowinsg are thin, as evidenced by frequent inaccuracies in terminology during their use. Another problem that appears before us in the process of working is the inaccurate specification of the definition of lexical intervention of the Ukrainian language in Czech. Therefore, this fact should be taken into account to avoid errors in determining the source language from which a particular lexical unit is borrowed.

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