
The purpose of the study is to analyze the activity of the laboratory service of the Dnepropetrovsk region, to develop and substantiate the concept of optimizing its work. We have carried out in dynamics the analysis of the laboratory service of the Dnepropetrovsk region: its structure; staffing level of doctor-laboratory assistants, biologists and laboratory assistants; carrying out laboratory researches, their structure and quality, as well as the state of laboratory equipment and reagent base. The methods of research used: bibliosemantic – systematic and historical analysis of domestic and world literary sources on the organization of laboratory service; reports and legislative documents on the activities of the laboratory service of the region; systematic analysis – to identify the existing shortcomings and positive experience in the training system, the formation of an effective team of employees, quality of the provided laboratory services, ways to optimize the work of the clinical-diagnostic laboratories (CDL); medical statistics for the analysis and interpretation of research results, logical mode­ling – for the development of the concept. The article covers the state of the laboratory service of the region: changes of its structure due to restructuring of the treatment-prophylactic institutions (TPI), the reforming of primary medical-sanitary care; development of family medicine – the number of hospital decreased by 39,8% in 2017 as compared to 1995, the number of hospital – by 38% beds per 10 thousand population; At the same time, the number of outpatient cl­inics increased by 70,1% during this period, which is in line with the WHO recommendations for provision of out­patient care to 80% of patients. Coefficient of provision of population of the region with doctor-laboratory assistants per 10 thousand of population is 0,68; staffing level of doctor-laboratory assistants with of medical doctors by natural persons is 25,9% with tendencies to decrease. The staffing level of specialists with higher non-medical education is 63.6%. Clinical and diagnostic laboratories in most cases have a minimum of equipment that is often outdated, without means for automatization equipment. Problems of the laboratory service of the region consist in the presence of a large number of low-power CDLs, performing the minimum set of diagnostic tests, lack of programs of research in the framework of separate nosological forms of diseases at different stages of medical care provision, acute shortage of high-tech equipment; lack of a systematic approach; the high turnover of personnel due to unsatisfactory material and technical and economic condition of the service and low wages. The main ways of optimization of laboratory services are offered.


  • IntroductionАнализ состояния деятельности лабораторной службы промышленного региона Украины и пути ее оптимизации

  • Clinical laboratory diagnostics is a medical specialty, the subject of which is clinical laboratory research, that is, studying the composition of samples of biomaterials of patients with the task of detection - measuring their endogenous or exogenous components, determining the structure or condition that functionally reflect the activity of organs, tissues, systems of the organism, the damage of which is possible in the foreseen pathologies

  • Despite the extensive number of clinical and diagnostic laboratories in the health care facilities (HCF) of Dnipropetrovsk region, their activity do not fully meet the current needs of clinical medicine, which necessitates the scientific substantiation of the conceptual framework for improving the existing system of laboratory service with the introduction of international approaches to the management of the quantity and quality of laboratory research

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Анализ состояния деятельности лабораторной службы промышленного региона Украины и пути ее оптимизации. Цель исследования – проведение анализа деятельности лабораторной службы Днепропетровского региона, разработка и научное обоснование концепции оптимизации ее работы. Нами проведен в динамике анализ деятельности лабораторной службы Днепропетровского региона: ее структура; укомплектованность врачами-лаборантами, биологами и лаборантами; проведенные лабораторные исследования, их структура и качество, а также состояние лабораторного оборудования и реагентной базы. Prescribing of clinical laboratory research determines the possibility of various conditions for its implementation - in inpatient and outpatient health care institutions of various profiles and capacity, in emergency situations, in periodic health examinations and screening, in medical genetic study [6, 8]

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