
The present work focuses on the analysis of the Paraguayan energy sector starting from the first Energy Balance in Useful Energy of Paraguay, elaborated through a joint project between Itaipu Binacional and the Itaipu Technological Park Foundation - Paraguay, with the collaboration of the Bariloche Foundation - Argentina, taking as base year 2011. The analysis examines the situation of the Paraguayan energy sector in hydroelectric energy, as well as the other components of the Energy Mix. Through the study of the different sectors of energy consumption, these being Residential, Industrial, Transportation, Agriculture and Forestry, and Commercial, Services and Public. The paper also summarizes the energy efficiency initiatives that have been implemented in some sectors, as well as other measures that are expected to be implemented to encourage the rational use of energy in all its sources. Finally, as a complement, the main results of the update to the year 2013 of the Energy Balance in Useful Energy used for the elaboration of National Energy Prospective, basis for the formulation of the Energy Policy Paraguay 2040.

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