
Shipbuilding is one of the most complex and labor-intensive branches of heavy industry in Russia. The shipbuilding market is characterized by features that relate to analysis, assessment of the current state, and forecasting. The work focuses on civil courts. First, the life cycle of shipbuilding products is longer than in other industries. From the moment of the development of the technical assignment to the beginning of the operation of the vessel, it takes from 3 to 10 years. At the same time, the transition from one stage to another - for example, from design to construction, can take years. As a result, it becomes almost impossible to analyze the entire life cycle of each vessel project. Secondly, the efficiency of the shipbuilding market is assessed not only by the number of ships delivered, but also by their cargo capacity - tonnage. Therefore, sea-going ships are characterized by large coefficients of completeness. However, for use on inland waterways, priority is given to the multifunctionality of the project. Thirdly, the shipbuilding industry is extremely poorly automated, which leads to the impossibility of using modern methods of assessing the shipbuilding market (there is not enough necessary information). Importantly, the shipbuilding industry in Russia limits its development by secrecy of large amounts of data.

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