The necessity has been widely noted of improving the nutritional value of forage mixtures used in the poultry industry through the use of enzyme preparations on the basis of phytase for splitting phytic acid and its salts contained in the feed. This technological approach is relevant in feeding farm animals, particularly poultry, as they are unable to synthesise endogenous phytase. On the base of the Agro-Industrial Complex "Oril-Leader" we researched the influence of the enzyme preparation Ladozim Proxy as a feed component for broiler chickens and laying hens on the growth and biochemical parameters of the birds and their egg-laying capacity. The feed ration consisted of wheat, corn, sunflower meal, extruded soy and protein-vitamin complex Biomix. For the research experimental and control groups of broiler chickens were formed (50 birds in each group) and laying hens (20 birds in each group). The experimental feeding period was 35 days for the chickens and 30 days for the hens. The research used physical-chemical methods for determining the content of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus in the feed, the blood and the excrement of the birds. Statistical data processing was carried out by ANOVA. It was established that the use of Ladozim Proxy in the amount of 60–100 mg/kg feed promotes an increase of the live weight of chickens by 21%. The findings can be explained by an increase of the feed nutrients available for digestion in the gastrointestinal tracts of the poultry due to the hydrolytic action of the enzyme complex added to the phytic-containing components of the feed. The result of these phenomena is also a positive dynamic in assimilation of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus in the feed by chickens of the experimental group: use of these elements increased by 10–16%. The preparation had no effect on hematological indices of the organisms of the poultry and increased the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. The use of the preparation has not only physiological, but also economic importance because it allows a reduction in feed intake and expenditure on feed for poultry reared for agricultural production. The use of the phytase preparation does not affect the quantitative indicators of egg-laying by hens, but an increase in the thickness of the egg shells was noted, due to deposition of calcium in the organism of the experimental group.
Відмічено необхідність підвищення поживної цінності кормових сумішей, використовуваних у птахівництві, за рахунок ферментних препаратів на основі фітази для розщеплення фітинової кислоти та її солей, що містяться в кормах
On the base of the Agro-Industrial Complex "Oril-Leader" we researched the influence of the enzyme preparation Ladozim Proxy as a feed component for broiler chickens and laying hens on the growth and biochemical parameters of the birds and their egg-laying capacity
It was established that the use of Ladozim Proxy in the amount of 60–100 mg/kg feed promotes an increase of the live weight of chickens by 21%
Єлизаветівка, Дніпропетровська обл., Україна) виконано науково-дослідницьку роботу з годівлі курчат-бройлерів і курей-несучок стандартними кормовими сумішами 1) (Liu et al, 2015) з додаванням препарату Ладозим Прокси – мультиензимного комплексу, основний компонент якого – фітази, а також целюлази, ксиланази. Фітазна активність препарату становить 5 000 од./г, рекомендоване дозування, дотримане у дослідженнях, – 60 і 100 мг/кг корму для курчатбройлерів і кур-несучок відповідно
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