
Pondokdadap is a fishing port that has large pelagic fish resources and biodiversity. This fishing port is an effective location for fish landing where it is close to the yellow fin tuna fishing ground. Tuna is one of the important commodities in the national capture fisheries sub-sector. Yellow fin tuna (Thunnus albacares) is a fish with economic value and a high level of public consumption, both domestically and abroad. However, it has an impact on the magnitude of market demand which is in line with the high activity of catching tuna in nature. Therefore, the exploitation of yellowfin tuna resources should be controlled. The purpose of this study was to identify, growth rate, mortality rate, exploitation rate and recruitment pattern of yellow fin tuna (Thunnus albacares) landed at TPI Pondokdadap. The results of growth parameter values, L∞= 191 cm, K = 0.36 per year, and t0 = -0.27 per year. The mortality rate is Z = 2.81 per year, M = 0.45 per year, F = 2.36 per year and the exploitation rate is E = 0.84 per year, which means that the utilization status of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) was in the overexploited category. The highest value seen from the analysis of recruitment patterns occurred in June with a percentage of 34.83%. This research concludes that advisable to limit the efforts of catching yellow fin tuna (Thunnus albacares).

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