
In this context, we believe that the sun research now focuses on the meaning and value of sunshine, meaning and identity, how to develop the Sunshine Sports and other issues. These studies contributed to the development of sunshine, but there is also a lack of rigorous logical theory discussed, and the lack of institutional mechanisms for research, such as lack of a single research methods. Strengthening promotion model, the development of long-term mechanism research, both theoretical study depth development needs, but also a necessary requirement for the development of Sunshine Sports. In order to effectively promote the college sunshine sports to carry out and improve the physical health of college students, the use of literature, interviews, statistics and other research methods, curriculum university under the sunshine sports perspectives issues the study. Sunshine Sports is a strong push forward by the Chinese government, the students’ physical health of government intervention measures. Activities three years, in all types of schools at all levels to actively carry out an hour a day exercise, teachers and students to participate in initiative, growing consciousness, awareness and physical exercise generally improved, exercise one hour a day has become common practice. But in some places still do not know the place, lack of investment, lack of teachers and other issues, in order to make sustainable development the sun sports, will take in institution building, reform the examination and evaluation mechanisms, strengthening supervision and so do efforts.

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