
Background. In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the pragmatic function of special customs publications is put forward in the first place, which consists in transmitting information about the activities of the customs in a crisis, new concepts within the framework of the crisis plan, models of perception of reality. To achieve this goal, all kinds of expressive means are used, including lexical ones.
 Purpose. The article deals with the lexical means used to increase the expressiveness of information transmitted in special texts and its impact on recipients in the pandemic.
 Materials and methods. The material for the research was two special issues of French customs publications: the magazine “Douane. Magazine” (No. 16), the press organ of the General Directorate of Customs and Indirect Duties of France and OMD Actualités (No. 92) (News of the World Customs Organization). The functional and semantic research method was used in the analysis of the material.
 Results. The results of the study showed metaphor, including verbalized metaphor, to be one of the main lexical means of expressiveness of industry texts during the pandemic. The epithets-adjectives enhanced the effect of the significance and transcendence of passing events is characterized with a high frequency of use. The important role of the verb in increasing the expressiveness of the text and the impact on the addressee, including even neutral verbs such as répondre, is noted due to the frequency of their use in various phraseological constructions. The study revealed that the authors of the texts prefer analytical constructions as more imaginative and to some extent metaphorized.
 Practical implications. The results of the study can be used in compiling a corpus of expressive vocabulary when teaching students French in the specialty “Customs”.

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