
Beff is a kind of foodstuff which relatively expensive, so not every household can buy it every time. This study aimed to: (1) analyze the factors that influence demand of beef at District of Jember, and (2) calculate the elasticity on price and income of demand of beef , also cross-elasticity of demand due on prices of other goods. This study used descriptive methods and surveys with deliberate regional selection (purposive method), selected sub district were Sumbersari, Patrang, Kaliwates, Jelbuk, Mayang, Tempurejo, Ambulu, and Sumberbaru. Sampling was carried out in proportioned random sampling with total of 72 respondents, data obtained from interviews community. Data analysis method used demand theory and Cobb-Douglas model multiple regression analysis. The results of this study concluded that: (1) the factors that significantly influence demand of beef at District of Jember were price of beef and fish , household income, dummy tasts and dummy research area, while the price factor of chicken meat, prices of eggs, education level , while number of family members hae no significant effect on.; (2) beef price elasticity was -4,701 showed that elsticity of beef was elastic, cross elasticity of chicken meat price, price of eggs and fish were 3,907; 4,416; 1,311, which showed that the three items were substitutes of beef, the income elasticity of 0,579 indicates that beef was a normal item, that was consumtion goods, which was in the event of an increasin g on income will caused increase demand.


  • Beff is a kind of foodstuff

  • data obtained from interviews community

  • which showed that the three items were substitutes

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Daging sapi merupakan bahan makanan yan relatif mahal haranya, sehingga tidak semua rumah tangga mampu membelinya setiap saat. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dan survei dengan pemilihan daerah dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive method), terpilih Kecamatan Sumbersari, Patrang, Kaliwates, Jelbuk, Mayang, Tempurejo, Ambulu, dan Sumberbaru. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa: (1) faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap permintaan daging sapi di Kabupaten Jember adalah harga daging sapi, harga ikan, pendapatan rumah tangga, dummy selera dan dummy wilayah penelitian, sedangkan faktor harga daging ayam ras, harga telur, tingkat pendidikan, dan jumlah anggota keluarga berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap permintaan daging sapi di Kabupaten Jember, (2) elastisitas harga daging sapi sebesar – (4,701) menunjukkan daging sapi bersifat elastis, elastisitas silang harga daging ayam, harga telur dan ikan berturut-turut sebesar 3,907; 4,416; 1,311, yang menunjukkan bahwa ketiga barang tersebut merupakan barang substitusi dari daging sapi, elastisitas pendapatan sebesar 0,579 menunjukkan daging sapi merupakan barang normal yaitu barang-barang konsumsi yang jika terjadi kenaikan pendapatan akan menyebabkan permintaan yang bertambah

No Tahun
Adjusted R Square
Elastisitas Permintaan Daging Sapi di Kabupaten Jember
Nilai Elastisitas
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