
SMK Negeri 4 Padalarang strives to provide the best educational and administrative services for students and other stakeholders. However, an in-depth study of the current business processes revealed that there are still inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement. By analyzing using the CATWOE approach, it was found that the responsibilities of the actors driving the business process needed to be aligned, Information Technology infrastructure constraints, and limited access to information for customers (students, teachers, parents). Implementing digitalization solutions such as learning management systems and administrative automation supported by continuous training is recommended to overcome these inefficiencies, improve staff capabilities, and adopt the latest technology. With the gradual and consistent implementation of these recommendations, it is believed that it will be able to improve the efficiency of SMK Negeri 4 Padalarang's business processes, which in turn will improve the quality of educational and administrative services, as well as the school's reputation in the eyes of the wider community. So, in conclusion, the management of SMK Negeri 4 Padalarang needs to continue to conduct an in-depth study of business processes to identify improvements by applying innovation and appropriate technology to empower schools to be more responsive and adaptive to survive in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, which of course is also to provide maximum impact and benefits for the future of its students.

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