
Unit Layanan Kanker Terpadu RSUD Bali Mandara construction project has a building area of 4.272,74 m2. Projects with a contract value of Rp52.364.056.071 began work on May 6, 2019, and planned to finish on December 1, 2019. At the time of the study, the project progress report up to the 12th week showed a 3,76% delay in project implementation. This affects the project completion time and the contractor may be subject to penalty for the delay. This study’s purpose to design a schedule to get the acceleration of construction time using the fast track method and compare the results obtained by the conditions of project implementation experiencing delays. Secondary data used include time schedules, budget plans (RAB), weekly reports of supervisory consultants, analysis of contractor unit prices, and project drawings. The value of the implementation budget plan (RAP) is Rp45.917.529.226,76 calculated based on the RAB of the contractor without taxes and profits. The results of the analysis using the fast track method show that the project can be accelerated so that it can be finished according to the planned schedule by accelerating by 59 days (22,7%) from the duration of project implementation in a late condition (without acceleration). In terms of cost, project implementation in a late condition incurs more costs than the project implementation using the fast track method. The magnitude of the additional costs of implementing the project with a late condition of Rp2.656.202.803,55 or 5,468% more than the application of the fast track method. The application of the fast track method results in changes in the number of workers and material procurement needs at a time caused by the time shifts in activities implemented out in parallel.


  • Bypass Ngurah Rai No 548, Sanur, Denpasar, Bali dengan luas bangunan 4.272,74 m2 terdiri dari bangunan utama dan bangunan bunker

  • This study aims to plan an acceleration project schedule using fast-track method

  • The results showed that the application of fast-track method was able to shorten the duration of project completion by 59 working days or 22.7% of the duration due to the delay

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Terpadu RSUD Bali Mandara, yang terletak di Jl. pelaksanaan suatu proyek ialah faktor perencanaan. Fast track merupakan suatu metode percepatan dalam proyek kontruksi dengan melaksanakan aktivitas-aktivitas secara bersamaan atau parallel, sehingga waktu pelaksanaan menjadi lebih cepat. Metode fast-track ini meninjau aktivitas-aktivitas yang berada lintasan kritis pada penjadwalan pelaksanaan kontruksi. Penerapan metode fast track telah dilakukan oleh beberapa peneliti, seperti (Amka, 2010) dan Gambar 2 Hubungan aktivitas start to start (Syam, 2011) yang menghasilkan percepatan waktu pelaksanaan proyek diatas 30% dari waktu normal dan penghematan biaya diatas 1,51% dari perencanaan konvensional, terutama pada biaya tidak langsung proyek. Selain mampu mempercepat waktu penyelesaian proyek kontruksi, penerapan metode fast track juga dapat menghemat biaya tak Gambar 3 Hubungan aktivitas finish to finish langsung pelaksanaan proyek dan kontraktor terhindar dari penalti/denda akibat keterlambatan. Metode fast track merupakan metode percepatan dengan melakukan penyusunan ulang logika hubungan antar aktivitas sehingga aktivitasaktivitas kritis dapat dilaksanakan secara paralel (pada waktu yang bersamaan). Metode dan manajemen pelaksanaan konstruksi terfokus pada kegiatan di lintasan kritis

Perubahan Kebutuhan Tenaga Kerja di Lapangan
Perhitungan Rencana Anggaran Pelaksanaan
Menghitung Biaya Proyek Dengan Membiarkan Keterlambatan
Menghitung Biaya Proyek Setelah Penerapan Fast Track
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