
UMKM Pigope is one of the umkm in Yogyakarta with the main menu of fried bananas typical of Sulawesi served with roa and chili sauce. The main raw material for this fried banana is banana kepok. In the production process, umkm Pigope requires approximately 80 bunches of kepok bananas per month. The problem in this umkm is that there are obstacles in controlling raw materials which cause the production process to be disrupted due to damage to raw materials in storage, considering that the age of ripe bananas is not too long. From these problems, it is necessary to control raw materials in order to minimize storage costs. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, it shows that the control of raw material inventory applied by UMKM Pigope is not optimal. Umkm have run out of inventory to meet consumer demand, but umkm have not been able to minimize inventory costs. The use of the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) and Period Order Quantity (POQ) methods shows the number of economic orders as many as 48 bunches, with the purchase frequency of banana raw materials as many as 17 times the purchase of banana raw materials in one period (1 year), and the number of safety stock proposed as many as 15 bunches. With the proposed inventory control, UMKM Pigope can minimize the total inventory cost from Rp. 15,020,- to Rp. 14,195,584,-. When calculated using EOQ the company can save on inventory costs, the quantity and frequency of purchasing fewer main raw materials by taking into account safety stock and reorder points.

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