
Permit to work merupakan suatu mekaniskme untuk mengidentifikasi, mengkomunikasikan, mengurangi serta mengendalikan bahaya terkait pekerjaan yang memiliki potensi buruk terhadap kesehatan, lingkungan, dan keselamatan. Permit to work bertujuan untuk mengurangi kecelakaan kerja yang mungkin bisa terjadi dengan syarat pekerja harus mematuhi prosedur yang sudah ditetapkan oleh perusahaan. PT. X telah melaksanakan Permit to work, namun dalam pelaksanaannya dilapangan masih terdapat kesenjangan dimana pernah terdapat pekerja yang menyalahi aturan yang telah di tetapkan, salah satunya seperti melakukan pekerjaan yang tidak sesuai dengan tahapan pada SMK3 (sistem manajemen keselamatan Kesehatan kerja). Disamping itu terdapat pula pekerja yang mengalami cidera seperti terbentur, terpeleset, tergores, terkilir, hingga terjatuh. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa Permit to work atau izin kerja dalam upaya mencegah kecelakaan kerja demi menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang aman dan selamat di PT. X. jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi dengan pendekatan kualitatif analitik. instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar checklist, pedoman wawancara, serta penelusuran dokumen. informan pada penelitian ini yaitu HSE Cordinator, HSE Officer, Permit Aprrover, dan pekerja. hasil penelitian yang dilakukan pada tahap perencanaan permit didapati bahwasannya masih ditemukan kendala dilapangan seperti tidak melakukan bump test, tidak melakukan gas testing, dan adanya perubahan rencana kerja. pada tahap pelaksanaan permit, perusahaan telah melakukan pengawasan dan pemantauan permit, serta pelaksanaan pekerjaan. pada tahap penyelesaian terdapat juga kendala dilapangan, ditemukannya dokumen permit yang tidak ditutup. PT. X sebaiknya, Permit to work dibuat lebih simpel dan efektif, serta melakukan evaluasi untuk mengetahui sejauh mana permit tersebut berjalan. Permit to work is a mechanism to identify , communicate , reduce and control risk related work that has the bad potential on health , environment , and safety. Permit to work aims to reduce workplace accidents that could possibly happen, on the condition worker has to abide by a procedure has been set by the company. PT. X has implemented Permit to work, However in practice there were still gaps. Ever there were workers breaking the regulation that has been made, One of them was performs the work which is not in accordance with the stages of SMK 3 (Work health safety management system). Besides that, there were also workers who suffered wounds, like hit , slipped , scratched , dislocated , until fell to ground. This study aim to analyze Permit to work in order to prevent accidents at work to create a safe working environment in PT. X. This research methods used was observation with a qualitative analytic approach. Research instruments used were a checklist form , interview guidelines, and the search for documents. The research informants were HSE Cordinator, HSE Officer, Permit Aprrover, and workers. The results of this research conducted at the phase of planning permit, there were still found obstacles such as didn't did bump test, didn't did gas testing, and that there were some changes the work plan. On the implementation phase of permit, the company has done supervision and monitoring of permit, as well as the implementation of a job. In finishing phase there were also obstacles, found documents that were not closed. Pt .Sertco quality duri should, made Permit to work more simple and effective , and evaluate To understand the extent of permit had gone

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