
Lack of care and concern for the work environment with the presence of useless goods in the newspaper production area at PT. Metro Riau is the cause of obstacles to the company. This study aims to analyze the work environment in the production section of newspapers with the 5S method and proposals related to existing problems. Based on the results of the study, there are 5S problems in the form of a damaged air conditioner (Air Conditioner) left unattended in the production area (seiri), the presence of accumulated production equipment and materials (seiton), the existing machines are not clean (seiso), standardization of the work environment that does not yet exist in the company (seiketsu) and the absence of 5S training and habituation to employees (shitsuke). The existing proposal is in the form of suggestions related to holding 5S training for employees. Making work environment SOP to create a work environment following the 5S method. Minimizing employee mileage from 41 meters to 34.4 meters by making a proposed layout so that it has a more effective value of 16.1%.

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