
Posyandu adalah Upaya Kesehatan Bersumber daya Masyarakat (UKBM)dengan peran serta dan bimbingan dari petugas kesehatan. Berdasarkanhasil survei awal di Desa Ngaso diketahui capaian kunjungan terendahtahun 2020 yaitu di Posyandu Adenium sebesar 13%. Tujuan penelitianini yaitu untuk mendapatkan informasi yang mendalam mengenaikurangnya kunjungan anak balita di Posyandu Adenium Desa NgasoKecamatan Ujung Batu Kabupaten Rokan Hulu. Penelitian ini merupakanpenelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan mode deskriptif dilaksanakan diPosyandu Adenium Desa Ngaso Kecamatan Ujung Batu KabupatenRokan Hulu pada bulan Desember 2020-Agustus 2021. Informan kunciyaitu pemegang program KIA di puskesmas, informan utama yaitu 5orang ibu yang memiliki balita, informan pendukung yaitu keluargabalita, tokoh masyarakat dan kader. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodetriangulasi yaitu triangulasi metode, sumber dan data. Hasil penelitian iniyaitu pengetahuan ibu mengenai posyandu sudah cukup baik namun ibubelum mengetahui pentingnya imunisasi, sikap ibu terhadap pelaksanaanposyandu yaitu takut anak mengalami demam setelah imunisasi. Seluruhinforman utama bekerja sebagai ibu rumah tangga. Tokoh masyarakattelah berperan dalam pelaksanaan posyandu namun belum mencakupseluruhnya. Tidak ada dukungan dari keluarga ibu untuk membawaanaknya melakukan imunisasi di posyandu. Sarana prasarana yangtersedia yaitu bangunan posyandu, timbangan bayi, timbangan balita sertameteran untuk mengukur panjang bayi. Saran pada penelitian ini yaitubagi tenaga kesehatan dan para kader agar dapat meningkatkanpengetahuan dan sikap masyarakat sehingga partisipasi dalam kunjunganposyandu tidak mengalami penurunan. Posyandu is a Community Based Health Effort (UKBM) with the participation and guidance of health workers. Based on the results of the initial survey in Ngaso Village, it is known that the lowest visitation achievement in 2020 was at the Adenium Posyandu at 13%. The purpose of this study was to obtain in-depth information about the lack of visits by children under five at the Adenium Posyandu, Ngaso Village, Ujung Batu District, Rokan Hulu Regency. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive mode approach carried out at the Adenium Posyandu, Ngaso Village, Ujung Batu District, Rokan Hulu Regency in December 2020-August 2021. The key informants are the holders of the mother's and the child's health program at the puskesmas, the main informants are 5 mothers who have toddlers, the supporting informants namely families of toddlers, community leaders and cadres. This study uses a triangulation method, namely triangulation of methods, sources and data. The results of this study are that the mother's knowledge about posyandu is quite good but the mother does not know the importance of immunization, the mother's attitude towards the implementation of the posyandu is fear of the child having a fever after immunization. All key informants work as housewives. Community leaders have played a role in the implementation of posyandu but have not covered all of them. There is no support from the mother's family to bring her child to immunize at the posyandu. The available infrastructure facilities are posyandu buildings, baby scales, toddler scales and a meter to measure the length of the baby. Suggestions in this study are for health workers and cadres to increase knowledge and attitudes of the community so that participation in posyandu visits does not decrease.

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