
The purpose of this research is, 1) to describe the error of word choice (diction) in essay of class V student of SD Negeri 01 Karangpandan Karangpandan Sub-district of Karanganyar District Lesson Year 2015/2016; 2) to describe the misuse of spelling in the text of the narrative of class V students of SD Negeri 01 Karangpandan Karangpandan Sub-district, Karanganyar District, Lesson Year 2015/2016; 3) describe the miscalculation of the sentence structure in the text of the narrative of class V students of SD Negeri 01 Karangpandan Karangpandan Sub-district, Karanganyar District, Lesson Year 2015/2016. This research uses a descriptive method. The data in this research is data in the form of words, writings, sentences in the student narrative essay. Data collection techniques in this study using techniques refer and note. The validity of this research data using triangulation theory because it utilizes two or more theories to pitted or combined. Data analysis model used in this research is by interactive analysis technique proposed by Miles & Huberman. Result of research: 1) mistake of word selection / diction in narrative essay found as many as 30 student, 2) mistake of spelling in narrative essay covering mistake of writing affix to, to and front word in, to; misuse of commas; and misuse of hyphens; Error in spelling occupies the biggest mistake in this research that is a number of 63 mistakes, 3) The error structure of the sentence includes two errors that are sentences that are not bersubjek and sentences that are not predicated. Error of sentence structure in this research got 9 error. Keywords: language error, narration

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