
 Owning a house is a basic human need that must be met. From this, Islamic banks provide As a result, Islamic Bank provides a variety of housing financing (KPR) in accordance with the principles of Islamic teachings, which can be selected according to the needs of the community. By offering different prices, strategic housing with industrial and economic centers and promotional activities can attract public interest in order to finance Shariah through the Shariah banking system. his research aims to determine whether products, prices, locations, promotions, religious beliefs, knowledge, administrative costs, service quality, and economic capacity are of positive value to the interests of people applying for Sharia KPR financing. This type of research is a quantitative research conducted using a data collection method using raw data obtained through questionnaire surveys. The sample size is 100. The methods of testing hypotheses are multiple linear regression, t-test, f-test, and coefficient of determination (adjusted R-squared). The results of this study show that the tcount of the product is 2.506> t table 1.98447, sig value is 0.014 <0.05, the tcount value of the price is 3.119> t table 1.98447, the sig value is 0.002 <0.05, and the promotion has a tcount value of 2.167> t table 1.98447, sig value is 0.033 <0.05, tcount of service quality is 2.012> ttable 1.98447, sig value is 0.047 <0.05, tcount of economic capacity is 3.69> ttable is 1.98447, t sig value is 0,000 <0,05, so It can be concluded that product, price, promotion, service quality and economic capacity variables will affect the community’s interest in applying for Shariah mortgage loans. Locality, religion, knowledge and administrative costs do not affect the community’s interest in applying for Islamic KPR funds. Product variables, prices, locations, promotions, religious beliefs, knowledge, administrative costs, service quality, and economic capacity all affect people’s interests at the same time. The sig value of Fcount>Ftable (23.318>2.04) is 0.000 <0.05. The adjusted R-squared value = 0.670 or 0.67%, and the remaining 3.3% is affected by other factors.
 Keywords: Sharia mortgages, products, prices, places, promotions, religiosity, knowledge, administrative costs, service quality and economic capability.

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