
Various ideas luive Iieen pul thnvartt by many scholars comeming ihc notions of urfjSM and uriia-nisnlion, and through these ideas some questions have been tended to iie answered such as what is an Uffejl; What are ihe criteria lhat distingtiish the village and urban from another and what ;nv ihe main imits and leading faciois in the development oian unian? 'Morphological Approach' seems to lie the closest one to the archaeological view among the numerous urban theories According to this hypothesis the diif'ercmi's lielween the village and uthan settlements have to IK- defined by some structuia! leatures In lieu of sociological definitions. H slates some criteria in defining an unian such as size and density, craft specialization, central management, social strafirafion and trade. Are there any misieading aspects of this idea? Are these criteria really adequate in defining unian thai is tire most complex habitation unit? Or do this idea comprise the qualitative and quantitative characteristics in explaining the real rdenfiies of the towns? In an effort to find answeis to ail the alxive questions and understand the eady phases of ihe uriianization process in Anatolia by making use oi these parameters, this paper w'tli IK- evaluating two imjarrtant settlements, Cayonu and Astkh Hoyuk, Ixxh gixxl exampies of societal changes in the Neolithic ix-riod. The evaluation writ thus attempt to arrive at a conclusion aIKiUl the (.onimveisiai issue alxnri whether these settlements were actually villages or towns

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