
Obesity is becoming a worldwide issue. It is a multifactorial health problem. One of the most highlighted factors is the extra fat storage in the body. There are multiple types of fats, divided into healthy and unhealthy fats. Serum lipid profile is one of the routine tests which measures triglycerides, total cholesterol, lipoproteins in the body. It helps diagnose if an individual has specific high or low values to determine the link between weight and fat accumulation. There are possibilities that obesity is because of some other reason like genetic mutation or inflammation. The inflammatory mechanism of obesity is linked with the inflammation of adipose tissues leading to tissue hypoxia resulting in HIF-1αlpha and NFkB activation. Many interleukins and cytokines are activated in response, causing inflammation in the body. The body's inflammatory response is also found to affect the lipid profile values. Researchers have found that inflammation and lipid profile are separate indicators but are linked, and one affects the other significantly. High saturated fatty acids, VLDLs, dietary fats, n6-fatty acids and oxLDL increase inflammation in the body leading to obesity. On the other hand, unsaturated fatty acids, n3-fatty acids, HDL decrease inflammation in the body. Inflammation also affects values, as in hypoxia, HIF-1α is unregulated. It causes dyslipidemia, resulting in increased triglycerides and cholesterol in the body.

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