
This work deals with the investigation of an influence of the antidote agent Unithiol(sodium 2,3-dimerkaptopropanesulfonate) on the excretion functioning of kidney atvarious duration of use.Goal of the work - to investigate the way unithiole affects the excretion function ofkidney after the single or prolonged use.Materials and methods. The work was done in the adult male rats after the single, 10 or20 days long use of Unithiole (50 mg/kg subcutaneously) on the background ofadditional water load (forced diuresis) that has been realized through the intragastricwater intake of 5 % of the animal body weight. Then the rat urine was analyzed for thecontent of sodium, potassium and hydrogen ions, creatinin, proteins, ammonium andtitratable acids. The experimental data were compared with the respective initial controlvalues and the values obtained from the previous group of animals. This way, the ionregulating, excretion and acid-adjusting functions of the kidney were analyzed fordifferent regimes of the medicine use.Results. The single injection of the medicine 2 hours after the water load applicationcaused the 11.8 % increase in diuresis, 1.7 times decrease in the sodium concentration inthe urine and the 1.5 time decrease in natriuresis. Since no changes in kaliuresis wereregistered, the sodium/potassium coefficient has decreased 1.6 times. The concentrationand excretion of protein in urine has decreased almost three times on the background ofrather insignificant (12.6 %) increase in the creatinin excretion. No changes wereregistered in the excretion of titratable acids, ammonium and in the value of ammoniumcoefficient. The excretion of hydrogen ions has halved pushing pH towards basic. Incomparison to the control group, the urination volume increased by 15.9 % after the 10and 20 days long use of the medicine. The concentration of sodium in the urine decrease2.7-2.2 times, natriuresis - 2.4 and 1.9 times correspondingly comparing to the respectiveinitial values. The value of kaliuresis has increased 1.3 times after the 20 days long usewhile similarly to the 10 days long experiment, the sodium/potassium coefficient valueremained 12.6 times lower than that in the control group. The protein concentration inthe urine and the level of its excretion decreased 4.3 and 3.6 times correspondingly inrespect to their initial values. The ammonium coefficient value has increased 1.4 times incomparison with the control group. Excretion of the hydrogen ions also increased up tothe control group level resulting in some alkalization of the urine.Conclusions. 1. An influence of Unithiol on the rat kidney functioning (ion-regulating,excretion and acid-adjusting functions) greatly depends on the duration of use. 2. Singleuse of the medicine results in some diuresis increase, alkalization of the urine, significantincrease in the sodium ions and proteins excretion. 3. Prolonged (10 or 20 days long)use of the medicine causes some diuretic effect, retention of protein and sodium on thebackground of some alkalization of the urine.

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