
This paper documents and also evaluates the different phases of da'wah activities by some notable late and old Arabic and Islamic scholars in an ancient town called Ojo. It has been established that, idol worshipping was predominant among the Aworis in Ojo before the advent of Islam there. But with the coming of Islam as a rescue train, da'wah methods were explored by these religious proselytizers not only to gather people into the fold of Islam, but also to orientate them to the fundamental principles of the religion. These da'wah activities underwent various changes in Ojo due to some influencing factors such as the roles of Du'aat, continuous transformation of individual ideologies, etc. The study observed that in order to achieve proper, commendable, reward able and effective da'wah activities in Ojo, modern methodology with sound knowledge of both Arabic and Islamic studies which must be complemented by English language should be acquired by the contemporary and prospective da'wah workers in this progressive locality. It, therefore, recommends that, inclusion of interfaith relationship, meaningful dialogue, economic empowerment, career counseling, purposeful leadership seminars, visitations to orphanages, hospitals, prisons, etc, should form part of their da'wah activities. 
 Key words:Da'wah, Ojo Town, Activities, Daa'i, Scholars, Different.

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