
Construction projects are widely fraught with conflicts probably as a result of their unpredictability, intricacy, and heterogeneity of players. The management of these conflicts remains ineffective. Empirical evidence from a review of literature has unveiled conflicts to have a detrimental impact on construction projects' performance level, posing a significant barrier to project implementation success, frequently resulting in an increase in project costs, delays in completion, or, in the worst-case scenario, suspension of the project. This study used the measure of the existence or absence of conflicts in under-construction building projects to define the Project harmony aptitude level. This study sought to evaluate into the factors influencing Project Harmony Potential in Construction Projects in Kenya, using a cross-sectional research approach. The cluster technique was used to sample 128 construction building projects registered with NCA in Nairobi within a five-year timespan, which had the embedded unit of analysis under this study. Project developers and financiers, and consultants operating in consultancy or construction firms were randomly sampled and administered with questionnaires. The study utilized inferential statistical analysis of Pearson’s bivariate correlation and regression analysis to identify the significant factors influencing project harmony. The analysis revealed a positive and statistically significant linear relationship between project harmony potential and delay management, partnering orientation of the project team, promptness of Monitoring and Evaluation, direct conflict management provisions in the Project Handbook (PMBOK), the technical experience of the Construction Project Manager (CPM), and communication plan. These parameters were deemed crucial in determining the project harmony potential for Kenyan building projects. These indicators were used to develop a model, which contributed to 69.2% of the project harmony potential. The established model may be used to estimate a project's potential for harmony throughout its execution.

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