
The cloud server stores its unique DE-duplicate data replication cloud storage system as outsourced only data copies. Deduplication cloud storage audits can verify the integrity of data stored in the cloud, while the cloud calculates the need to maintain only one copy of the copied file. The existing de-duplication auditing solutions for cloud storage are vulnerable to brute-force dictionary attacks, which is a disclosure leakage of user privacy and more time consumption to find a duplicate files in cloud. Users must check the integrity of lightweight cloud computing data to create data authentication and retrieve files in the cloud. The proposed system uses a secure Array Preserving Triple Data Encryption (AP3DE) algorithm to verify with confidence the expertise of aggregate technology. In this method to analysis the user upload document before store on cloud. The aggregator to provide an authentication access the data access role to cloud user. Cloud protects the privacy, confidentiality, and integrity of data stored in the cloud by generating the code of the authentication file and the encryption key of the file through the proposed system test. The Index-level Boundary Pattern Convergent Encryption (IBPCE) algorithm integrates dynamic data handling and data exclusion capabilities for secure cloud storage privacy security public audits. The cloud data security using a Convergent international data encryption algorithm used to encrypted data. It is a 64 bit plaintext and cipher text blocks is controlled by 128 bit key. Analysis of safety and efficiency shows that the proposed mechanism is highly efficient and safe. In this proposed IBPCE method to manage and reduce the cloud storage compare to other existing method.

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