
Let G=(V,E) be a simple connected undirected graph. Each vertex v∈V has a cost c(v) and provides a positive coverage radius R(v). A distance duv is associated with each edge {u,v}∈E, and d(u,v) is the shortest distance between every pair of vertices u,v∈V. A vertex v can cover all vertices that lie within the distance R(v), except the vertex itself. The conditional covering problem is to minimize the sum of the costs required to cover all the vertices in G. This problem is NP-complete for general graphs, even it remains NP-complete for chordal graphs. In this paper, an O(n2) time algorithm to solve a special case of the problem in a trapezoid graph is proposed, where n is the number of vertices of the graph. In this special case, duv=1 for every edge {u,v}∈E, c(v)=c for every v∈V(G), and R(v)=R, an integer >1, for every v∈V(G). A new data structure on trapezoid graphs is used to solve the problem.


  • Let G V, E be a finite, connected, undirected, and simple graph where V {1, 2, . . . , n} is the set of vertices and E is the set of edges with |E| m

  • One closely related problem to the CCP is the total dominating set problem, which is a special case of the CCP in which all distances and coverage radii are equal to 1

  • Since the total dominating set is a special case of CCP, the CCP is NP-complete for generalgraphs

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Let G V, E be a finite, connected, undirected, and simple graph where V {1, 2, . . . , n} is the set of vertices and E is the set of edges with |E| m. In this paper a special case of CCP on trapezoid graphs is considered. Trapezoid graphs are the intersection graphs of finite collections of trapezoids between two parallel lines 3. A graph, G V, E , is a trapezoid graph when a trapezoid diagram exists with trapezoid set T , such that each vertex i ∈ V corresponds to a trapezoid i ∈ T and an edge {i, j} ∈ E if and only if trapezoids i and j intersect within the trapezoid diagram. There is an O n2 time recognition algorithm for trapezoid graphs 5. The points on each horizontal line of the trapezoid diagram are labeled with distinct integers between 1 and 2n from left to right. Several important graph problems that are NP-hard in general case have polynomial time algorithms for trapezoid graphs. Many real world problems can be modeled as special graphs, and simpler solutions are needed compared to the ones for general graphs

Review of Previous Work
Main Result
Organization of the Paper
Scheme to Construct a Caterpillar
Properties of the Caterpillar
Minimum Cardinality Conditional Covering
Proof of Correctness
Concluding Remarks
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