
Chronic as well as recurrent respiratory disorders are major concern in childhood pediatric practice as we commonly come across such cases in day to day pediatric practice. Recurrent respiratory infections are attributed to immaturity of the immune system, functional, structural limitations, dependency on others, unawareness of hygienic importance and nutritional issues related to weaning etc. Excess intake of sweetish substances, growth potential and school environment also contribute for the same. Mean time the congenital abnormalities of the respiratory and cardiovascular system; also, significantly contribute the recurrent respiratory tract infections. Ayurveda explains the stage of Bala or the childhood as stage of immaturity in structural, functional, emotional, and linguistic and behavior and sexual facets with predominance of the Kapha Dosha. Certain of the Respiratory problems in children are also aggravated by the habit of withholding the natural urges as maximum protective reflexes in the upper part of the body pertaining to respiratory system and helps to prevent the portal of entry for maximum infections. Protective reflexes like sneezing, coughing, hiccup, Shrama shwasa, yawning, lacrimation etc., are in true sense keep away the respiratory tract infections. Classics of Ayurveda explain the treatment Kasa in detail and by keeping classical explanation narrated in Kasa Chikitsa of different Samhita. However, classics explains that Pratishyaya when not treated leads to Kasa and Kasa further leads to Rajayakshama. Such incidences are quite common in children as there is immaturity of immune barriers in the growing stage of the child. Hence treatment should contain immune enhancing drugs or other modes of enhancing the immunity which helps to prevent such recurrent infections.

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