
CnH2n–1S+ ions (n3–5,7,11) were generated in the gas phase from several CH3SCR1= CR2X precursors (R1,R2= H, alkyl; X = Cl, Br)via electron-impact-induced X˙ loss. Their reactions, unimolecular and collision induced, were studied by ion kinetic energy spectrometry. The major fragementations are identified and the thermochemistry considered. Of particualr interest were unimolecular alkene elimination reactions, observed for n= 3–5, which lead to product ions of composition R1(R2)CS+. C4H7S+ ions undergo elimination of C2H4 and C3H6 to give C2H3S+ and HCS+, respectively. Metastable peak shape analysis, analysis of model ions, and deuterium labelling experiments show that the two reactions occur via two different mechanisms. A general scheme is proposed for unimolecular decomposition of CnH2n–1S+ ions. Thiirenium ions could not be detected nor need be invoked as intermediates in the extensive rearrangements that precede some of the major reactions.

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