
An important contribution to the fields of Native/American Indian studies and women's studies. Its approach is innovative and suggests wide possibilities for further exploration.--Women's Studies International Forum. This readable and engaging work ...marks a turning point in a developing literature on American Indian women, being a good general summary of all previous work, and making future work more possible...The study of American Indian women not only reveals the fundamental nature of Indian societies, it also provides a perspective for the contemporary women's movement.--Western American Literature. and Sands make a significant contribution to scholars, students, and general readers interested in autobiography, biography, the oral and written tradition of American Indian Literature, literary criticism, history, and ethnographic studies.--North Dakota Quarterly. Indian women's autobiographies have been slighted because of the assumption that women had a secondary and insignificant role in Indian society. Gretchen M. Bataille and Kathleen Mul-len Sands cogently demonstrate in this book the creative vitality of autobiographies that, despite differences in style and purpose, clarify the centrality of women in American Indian cultures. Included is a comprehensive, annotated bibliography or works by and about American Indian women.

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