
Aim of the work-This study aimed to determine the ameliorative effect of silymarin (SIL) and vitamin E (Vit.E) against changes induced by mobile phone radiation in the liver of male albino rats. Matrerial and methods-Total of 48 adult male albino rats were assigned for this study. The 1st group served as control (n=6); the 2nd group exposed to mobile phone generator radiation (900MHz) for 2hr/day 3days/week for two months, 3rd group (+ve control) supplemented with SIL, 4th group (+ve control) supplemented with Vit.E, 5th group (+ve control) supplemented with SIL and Vit.E, 6th group: exposed group supplemented with SIL, 7th group : exposed group supplemented with Vit.E and 8th group exposed group supplemented with SIL and Vit.E.Physiological , histopathological and histochemical changes were studied.Results- Exposure to mobile phone causes reduction in RBCs, Hb, Hct, MCV, MCH and MCHC. However, WBCs count, platelets count, lymphocytes % and neutrophil %were increased.Also, there were increases in liver enzyme activities ALAT, ASAT and ALP in serum and liver tissue significantly and increased oxidative stress markers (MDA and H2O2).While, antioxidants (CAT and GSH) were decreased in serum and liver tissue. Numerous histopathological changes were detected in the liver tissue of rats of the irradiated group with altered collagen fibres, polysaccharides and total protein in hepatocytes of the central and portal areas of the liver tissue in the exposed group These changes manifested good amelioration in the exposed groups that supplemented with SIL and/or Vit.E . Conclusion- Treatment of rats with SIL and/or Vit.E ameliorated the dangerous effect of mobile phone radiation.

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