
The article considers the professional potential of a university professor, which provides not only the formation of a personal brand but also its successful promotion in the market of educational and scientific services. Therefore, the professional potential is a fundamental component of the structure of a university professor’s personal brand. The algorithmic interconnection of the concepts of “personal potential”, “personal resources” and “human capital” is clarified. It is emphasized that the professor’s awareness of the professional potential necessary and sufficient to form a personal brand is determined primarily by the motivation of the specialist to identify their own intellectual, leadership, creative, communicative and other resources and reserves. The author specifies that in the structure of the university professor’s professional potential, the priority is constructs that are both in demand by the profession and relevant to the requests of the target audience. The real and potential determinants of slowing down the process of realization of the university professor’s professional potential are listed. It is proved that the intensification of readiness for effective realization of professional potential by university professor requires obligatory consideration of contextual and situational peculiarities of personal brand positioning and synergistic possibilities of co-branding with other university specialists as brand carriers or even university brand. Methods of counteracting the real and potential determinants of slowing down the process of university professor’s professional potential realization are highlighted. They are: the inability of a specialist to objectively assess the scope and probable prospects for the realization of their own potential; barriers in brand communication; the impact of previous failure stressors; the dominance of fear of image and/or reputational losses over the subjectively predicted attractiveness of the consequences of the professional potential realization; achieving a local maximum in professional self-realization, etc.
 Keywords: personal brand; branding; co-branding; university professor; professional potential; personal resources; algorithm; higher education institution.

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