
<p>Karakteristik Agronomi dan Korelasinya pada Galurgalur Harapan Padi Tipe Baru. Dalam program pemuliaan tanaman padi diperlukan pengetahuan tentang karakter dan korelasinya dengan hasil gabah. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mempelajari karakter tanaman dan korelasinya dari 35 galur harapan PTB dengan Ciherang dan Sintanur sebagai varietas pembanding, ditanam di dua lokasi, Bogor dan Pusakanagara, pada MT 2009 (MK dan MH). Rancangan yang digunakan adalah acak kelompok dengan tiga ulangan. Bibit umur 21 hari ditanam satu bibit per lubang, jarak tanam 20 cm x 20 cm, pada petak berukuran 2 x 5 m2 per baris. Karakter tanaman bervariasi antargalur dan beberapa di antaranya berbeda nyata dengan varietas pembanding Ciherang dan Sintanur, kecuali untuk hasil gabah. B11742-RS*2-3-MR-34-1-2-1 merupakan galur dengan postur tanaman terendah, hasil gabah rendah, dan umur terpendek. Sebagian besar galur mempunyai karakter padi tipe baru (PTB). Hasil gabah berkorelasi positif dengan semua karakter, tetapi hanya berkorelasi nyata dan positif dengan tinggi tanaman, berkisar antara 91,4-120,7 cm.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>In a plant breeding program, knowledge of the character and interrelationships among yield and yield contributing characters are necessary. This study was carried out to identify the plant character and its correlation between yield-correlated traits of 35 NPT rice promising lines with Ciherang and Sintanur as check varieties, planted in two locations, Bogor and Pusakanagara and two seasons (2009 dry and wet season, DS-WS). Those lines were planted in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) arrangement, in three replications. The 21-days-old seedling planted one seed per hole, spacing 20 cm x 20 cm, with a plot size of 2 x 5 m2 per line. Plant characters varied and were significantly different from Ciherang and Sintanur as check varieties except for grain yield. B11742- RS*2-3-MR-34-1-2-1 was the line that had the lowest plant height, grain yield, and the shortest growth duration. Most of the lines had character as new plant type variety. Grain yield positively correlated with all characters, but only significantly and positively correlated with plant height at range from 91.4- 120.7 cm.</p>

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