
In article the place and a role of the agricultural intellectuals in the Dagestan village, a tendency of its development in the 60-70th of the XX century are considered. The agricultural production intellectuals aren’t independent public group in structure of society. It carries out the activity in specific conditions of agrarian production which integral elements are the live developing organisms while in the industry, for example, the raw materials (inanimate nature) act as an object of the labor. During the considered period the group of the agricultural intellectuals grew in the republic every year. At the same time shortcomings of formation of shots of agriculture are analyzed. Further technical progress in agrarian production deman-ded housekeeping at the high scientific level in this connection the role of agricultural science much more increased. In this regard for the first time is shown as on the basis of achievements of the Soviet agricultural science during the specified period scientists, experts of Dagestan worked on creation of new high-yielding grades of crops and highly productive breeds of cattle, developed new methods and receptions in agronomics and the livestock specialist, improved farm vehicles.

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