
Red ginger extract instant drink is used to create practical and efficient products, so that health benefits are expected. The purpose of this study was to analyze the strategy of developing instant red ginger agribusiness produced by farmer groups in Banyuwangi Regency. The methodology used is the evaluation of internal and external factors which are then mapped in the IFE EFE matrix, followed by a SWOT analysis to generate alternative competitive strategies and implement development strategies. SWOT analysis is used to compile strategic factors in the development of this instant red ginger agribusiness, followed by analysis using AHP to find out alternative strategies that are the main priorities in the development of this agribusiness. The results showed that the IFE value with the total score of the overall internal indicators was 3.48, meaning that this instant red ginger agribusiness was in the strong or high category. The total score of all external indicators in the EFE matrix is ​​2.76, which means instant red ginger agribusiness is in the average or medium category. Mapping the IFE-EFE matrix followed by a SWOT analysis provides eight alternative strategies, then 8 alternative strategies produce a priority strategy, namely maintaining red ginger development by farmer groups in order to minimize fluctuations in raw material prices with a total value of 1.30. So that an alternative strategy to maintain the development of red ginger by farmer groups in order to minimize fluctuations in the price of raw materials can be applied to build a competitive advantage and the progress of Instant Red Ginger Agribusiness Production of Farmers Groups in Banyuwangi Regency

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