
The relevance of this article lies in the consideration of agrarian dynasties as a social and professional resource for strengthening the agrarian sector of the economy, as one of the aspects of solving the problem of professional self-determination of rural youth and raising the prestige of agrarian professions. The article is analytical in nature. In the post-Soviet years, there was a tendency to reduce the dynasty of families, although professional continuity is a necessary foundation for the development of the country's economy. The development of knowledge-intensive technologies, the creation of a new generation of technology, a decrease in the share of physical labor does not solve the issue of personnel shortages in the countryside. Not every young man, even a native of the village, is ready to devote his life to the agrarian profession. Therefore, the task of preserving and increasing agrarian dynasties remains urgent. The article delimits the concepts of an agrarian professional dynasty and an agrarian family dynasty. The task contributes to solving several problems: fixing personnel in the countryside; development of agricultural production, introduction of knowledge-intensive technologies; rural development; raising the prestige of agrarian professions among young people. The growth of the number of professional dynasties in our country is influenced by family ties. The problem of preserving agrarian dynasties and professional self-determination of rural youth is being studied at the State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals (Tyumen). At the university, students with "village" roots are approximately 64 %. According to the analysis of research among university students, the family remains the greatest value for the younger generation of the village, and the number of students who decided to continue the family dynasty remains stably small at the level of 14 %, but, given the negative attitude towards rural labor in the post-Soviet period, this is a good indicator. The results of the survey on professional agrarian dynasties are well correlated with the survey of students about their return after graduation to live and work in the village. There are 14–18 % of such in different years. Respondents cite various reasons for reluctance to return to their small homeland – low incomes in rural areas, social problems, underdeveloped infrastructure, etc. The author believes that the real reason for this problem is much deeper – in dislike of his native land and rural labor, in interruption of mental and historical memory and disregard for family native peasant traditions. The problem of continuing agrarian dynasties is not so much the problem of individual parents or the youngest person, but of society as a whole. Conclusion: support for agrarian dynasties contributes to the return of young people to the village, raises the prestige of agricultural professions, helps to qualitatively solve the personnel issue and the issue of rural development.

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