
Introduction. The formation of a value attitude in the younger generation towards their Homeland, a sense of patriotism, as well as pride in their Homeland is the basis of the statehood of any country. This problem is especially acute in modern conditions, characterized by a large-scale rethinking of traditional values, the formation of new ideals, and spiritual and moral guidelines. Objective: to study the value attitude towards the Homeland in children aged 8-9 years. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of secondary schools in Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod region (Russian Federation), the sample consisted of 316 students aged 8-9 years. The χ2-Pearson criterion was used to statistically evaluate the effectiveness of formative influences. Research results. Based on the theoretical analysis of current research and their own experience, the authors determined the criteria for developing the value attitude of children to the Homeland: awareness of the concept of "Homeland", moral categories, as well as inclusion in social activities. The data of the ascertaining stage showed that only 22.2% of the respondents have a high level of formation of the value attitude towards the Homeland. A significant number of students' answers (77.8%) testifies to the lack of the necessary knowledge regarding the Homeland. This necessitated the organization of purposeful activities aimed at forming a value attitude towards the Homeland among primary school students. As part of the formative stage, the following content lines were implemented: "Russia is my Homeland", "Native land", "I am a patriot of my country", "Father's house", "Culture and traditions of my people". Discussion and conclusion. For the first time, the value attitude towards the Homeland has been purposefully diagnosed among schoolchildren of 8-9 years old. Empirically, the results were obtained, reflecting the peculiarities of awareness of the concepts of "Homeland", "small homeland" by younger schoolchildren. The dynamics are most pronounced in terms of the indicators "Awareness of the concept of "Homeland" and "Involvement in active social activity" (χ2= 91.77; p<0.001).

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