
Abstract Agile methodologies are becoming popular in software development. Managers are required to understand project’s progress and product quality without development documents. During Agile practices of the teams and organizations, Agile project management tools are frequently used. The use of such tools leads to achieving speed and efficiency, affects the quality of the software. The quality of final product is mostly related with to project management. Accordingly, the paper provides brief comparative perspective about the popular project management tools for agile projects. 16 popular Agile project management tools have been presented helping agile developers to plan and manage their tasks in an efficient manner. Taiga, Axosoft, Agielan, Planbox are more appropriate for start-up projects. The most twitted and most appreciated tools are reported as Jira, Trello, and VersionOne. SpiraTeam by Inflectra and Pivotal Tracker are other pricing and popular agile tools, providing flexibility to Agile developers and increase collaboration among team members.

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