
The construction industry is dynamic in nature because it involves a wide number of stakeholders, such as consumers, manufacturers, consultants, regulators and others. Construction projects suffer from many challenges and complex performance issues, such as low coordination, job delays, changes in goals. Study on the contrast of conventional and modern methodologies for project management in construction projects. Introduction of Agile project management approach as modern project management methodology and its framework effects on construction project performance. With the use of Agile software development tools comparison of individuals experts and team solutions will be analyzed and evaluate optimum solutions and their comparison with traditional project management tools. In traditional project management, validation of the results has been done through survey of the experienced experts. However, as agile software development tools Jira and Trello software would be used for managing project. Analysis of the research will compare traditional and agile project management tools and suggest the project management team an optimum solution of any problem occur at construction project.

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