
During orthotopic liver transplantation, ligation and division of the right adrenal vein during recipient hepatectomy may lead to hemorrhagic infarction and/or hematoma formation in the right adrenal gland. Findings in seven liver transplant recipients included initially echogenic or anechoic suprarenal masses on ultrasound scans and inhomogeneous but predominantly hypoattenuating masses on computed tomographic scans. In patients who survived for 4 months or longer, hematomas resolved as early as 20 days and persisted as long as 11 weeks. There was autopsy proof of adrenal hemorrhage in three cases. The adrenal hematomas in this series produced no massive hemorrhages, adrenal insufficiency, or other clinical manifestations. Adrenal hemorrhage after liver transplantation should be recognized and specifically documented, but a hematoma that remains stable in size can be left alone.

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