
The present study on “Adoption of recommended cultivation practices by banana growers” was undertaken in Akola district of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state during the year 2020-2021. The 120 banana growers were selected purposively from Akot and Telhara taluka of Akola district having maximum area under banana cultivation. The data was collected with the help of well structured interview schedule. The findings of the study revealed that, majority (54.17%) of the respondents were belonged to middle age group, maximum number (35.00%) of respondents were educated upto junior college level, majority (40.84%) of respondents had medium size land holding, majority (73.33%) of respondents had medium size of banana orchard, three fourth (75.00%) of respondents had agriculture as their main occupation, majority (65.83%) had medium annual income, all respondents (100.00.%) had tube well or well as their source of irrigation, 68.33 per cent of respondents had medium experience in banana cultivation, majority (59.17%) of respondents had medium scientific orientation, majority (56.67%) of respondents had medium level extension contact, majority (62.50%) of respondents were found in medium level knowledge about recommended cultivation practices. Majority (55.00%) of respondents had medium level adoption, followed by 25.83 per cent had low and 19.17 per cent had high level of adoption about recommended cultivation practices. The findings regarding the correlation analysis the independent variables viz., education, land holding, size of banana orchard, annual income, scientific orientation, extension contact and knowledge about recommended cultivation practices had positive and highly significant relationship with the adoption of recommended cultivation practices, whereas age and experience in banana cultivation was negatively significant with adoption about recommended cultivation practices and the variables occupation and sources of irrigation had non-significant relationship with adoption level of recommended cultivation practices. Majority of respondents had expressed constraint of nonremunerative prices during the time of glut in the market and majority of respondents had given suggestions that transportation charges should be reasonable.

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