
In normal times, people can make relatively accurate first impressions of others through their faces in a very short time. However, this period of adolescence is a special period of rapid human development, and their preferences also fluctuate greatly, so they will have different first impressions of different emotional faces. This experiment selected happy, angry and calm faces from the Chinese Affective Picture System customized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. A total of 59 adolescents over 16-18 years old rated their faces according to the Big Five personality. The results showed that except conscientiousness, the other four big five personality traits were significantly different among positive, neutral and negative facial emotions, and males scored higher than females in all five personality traits. Also, female faces scored higher than male faces on conscientiousness and openness. By understanding the forming preferences of first impression of adolescents, the group that often contacts with adolescents can improve the way they communicate with adolescents, and also let adolescents learn the correct way to judge others and avoid being influenced by stereotypes and other people's opinions.

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