
Within the framework of this article, the transformation of local self-government in the regional context (on the example of the Udmurt Republic) is considered with some reservations. Two main tasks of the administrative-territorial reform are identified: the unification of municipal districts into enlarged municipal districts; and the level-by-level reconfiguration of management processes based on functional optimization. It is proposed to create six enlarged municipal districts in the Udmurt Republic. Mixed municipal areas are identified as a result of the combination of urban settlements and rural areas. Excessive administrative-territorial management in relation to rural areas of the Udmurt Republic is revealed. An enlarged scheme of functional optimization of administrative processes of administrative-territorial management is proposed. Quantitative optimization and qualitative (functional) optimization of administrative-territorial management are distinguished. The necessity of a single digital management platform as the basis of administrative-territorial reform is shown. The transition from a fractal management system to an antifractal management system is proposed through the functional optimization of management processes, in relation to which administrative and territorial management should be built. The necessity of compliance of administrative-territorial reform with digital management is shown. Brief examples of functional optimization in relation to regional educational social processes and in relation to regional agricultural social processes are given. The possible reduction of budget expenditures by 5.8 billion rubles relative to the expenditures of the consolidated budget of the Udmurt Republic for 2019 is calculated, which is 5.99 % of this budget in the traditional version of the regional reconfiguration of management processes

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