
Petascale supercomputers are already pushing power boundaries that can be supplied or dissipated cost-effectively; greater challenges await us in the era of exascale machines. We are thus motivated to study methods of reducing the energy cost of arithmetic operations, which can be substantial in numerically intensive applications. Additionally, being both a widely-used operation in itself and an important building block for synthesizing other arithmetic operations, has received much attention in this regard. Circuit and energy costs of fast adders are dominated by their fast carry networks. The availability of simple and energy-efficient majority function in certain emerging nanotechnologies (such as quantum-dot cellular automata, single-electron tunneling, tunneling phase logic, magnetic tunnel junction, nanoscale bar magnets, and memristors) has motivated our work to reformulate the carry recurrence in terms of fully-utilized majority elements, with all three inputs usefully employed. We compare our novel designs and resulting circuits to prior proposals based on 3-input majority elements in quantum-dot cellular automata, demonstrating advantages in both speed and circuit complexity. We also show that the performance and cost advantages carry over to at least one other emerging, energy-efficient technology, single-electron tunneling, raising hopes for achieving similar benefits with other technologies, which we review very briefly.

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