AbstractActivated sludge consists of suspended biological flocs that are matrices of microorganisms, nonliving organic matter and inorganic materials. The activated sludge or biological flocs mix with the waste stream, oxidize the organic substances in the wastewater in the presence of oxygen for bio-oxidation and nitrification reactions, or in the absence of oxygen for denitrification reaction. This chapter introduces the suspended growth systems, bio-oxidation, microorganisms, substrate removal, enzymatic actions, energy flow, microbial synthesis, respiration, kinetics, sludge growth, complete-mix bioreactor, plug-flow bioreactor, contact stabilization, extended aeration, conventional activated sludge, step aeration, Kraus process, tapered aeration, modified aeration, high-rate aeration, oxidation ditch, pure oxygen activated sludge, flotation activated sludge, and process design.Key WordsConventional activated sludgecomplete-mix activated sludgecontact stabilizationstep aerationextended aerationKraus processpure oxygen activated sludgeflotation activated sludgekineticsprocess designexamplescost
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