
This research paper comprises of the effect of temperature and concentration on the acoustic volumetric and viscometric properties viz. ultrasonic velocity, density and viscosity of aqueous KIO3 solutions in 1 % KH2PO4.The research findings is quite useful to expound the various inter molecular interactions like ion–ion, ion–solvent, and solvent–solvent between the chosen solute–solvent system. Based on the data obtained, various derived acoustical parameters viz, acoustic impedance(Z), adiabatic compressibility (β), intermolecular free length (Lf), free volume (Vf), Rao’s constant (R),Wada’s constant (W), density dependent apparent molar volumes (∅V) viscosity dependent viscosity B-coefficients for KIO3 solutions in aqueous 1 % KH2PO4 and pure water system have been determined at 298.15 to 313.15 K. Additionally Masson’s constants, Jones-Dole constants are supported to study various molecular interactions.

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