
Modelling of dynamic hysteresis loops in the electrical steels reveals the magnetic characteristic of the ferromagnetic materials. Jiles-Atherton (JA) model is capable of describing the hysteresis loops by transforming the physical phenomenon into a simple first order differential equation [1]. M. Hamimid et al. introduced hybrid magnetic field in the dynamic inverse model, which gave great prediction of dynamic loops [2]. A. P. S. Baghel et al. justified the energy equivalence between the JA approach and field separation theory and validated the usage of hybrid magnetic field [3]. In this paper, a modified dynamic JA model is proposed to predict the dynamic hysteresis loops at different frequency and magnetic induction levels, even when the hysteresis loops become elliptical. More attention should be paid to the excess loss in the model due to its increasing share of iron loss at higher frequency. Comparisons of the measured and predicted hysteresis loops using modified JA model are performed to validate the proposed model.

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