
Goal. To analyze and summarize the peculiarities of the activities of business entities that are representatives of different jurisdictions and are components of the general global marketing ecosystem that provides services of an advertising nature for the promotion of products (goods, works, services), in the context of the influence of such peculiarities on approaches to determining the main financial and economic indicators of activity and accounting processes and processes of formation of various types of reporting in such an ecosystem. Method. Methods of studying and summarizing information, methods of system analysis, synthesis, and generalization were used for the research. The results. The article examines the peculiarities of the accounting and regulatory nature of the activities of global marketing ecosystems and their components, which, most often, have different jurisdictions for the implementation of their business and economic activities, in the context of determining the main financial and economic indicators of their activities and the formation of various forms of reporting (accounting, financial, tax, management). Scientific novelty. The generalized stages of a methodical approach to the creation (improvement) of information and analytical support for the task of assessing financial and economic indicators of global marketing ecosystems have been defined. Practical value. Taking into account the accounting features identified based on the analysis of the implementation of global marketing ecosystems’ activities will allow the formation of specific practical recommendations for improving approaches to automating accounting processes within such an ecosystem.

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