
Access to clean water is a basic need that must be met by all humans. Clean water is very important to improve people's quality of life, especially in improving health. Wonogiri Regency is one of the areas that often experiences drought, considering that the area is in the Seribu Hills area which has geological contours of rocky soil and it is difficult to absorb air, especially in the southern region. Kalbe as a company that cares about the importance of access to health opened access to clean water in two villages located in Baturetno District, Wonogiri, namely Watuagung Village and Boto Village. Until now, Kalbe's access to clean water has reached hundreds of heads of households, whose management is carried out through associations managed by the local community through a metering system. From the company's point of view, the satisfaction measurement results show community satisfaction with the results of opening access to clean water by Kalbe. The results of the Social Return on Investment (SROI) measurement also show that the impact of the program implemented by Kalbe exceeds the investment made at the start of the program implementation.

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