
The development of agriculture, the economic efficiency of agricultural activities and the level of rural life arrangement are the main factors for the formation of settlement in rural areas. The key to a systemic, comprehensive approach to providing sustainable rural development in regions remote from urban agglomerations and large cities is the sustainable development of the agricultural sector, ensuring the employment and high salary of rural residents. In the Russian agroclimatic conditions, agricultural production is only possible with non-normalized family labor, cheap hired labor and state support. The existence of a sociooriented, small-scale, mostly natural agricultural sector has a positive effect on employment and solving social problems in rural areas. The inflow of rural residents into the cities, where it is easier to find a job and better living conditions, and reduction the number of rural settlements are still strong. The main questions: how to improve life in small villages with few residents where the wearing of the preserved residential buildings exceeds 80-90% and what to do with such degraded settlements in rural areas, the maintenance of which local self-government can’t afford. To solve these issues in the process of development of rural areas, it is necessary to create land management and development schemes of the agro-industrial complex in the Non-Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation taking into account the subjects of the Russian Federation relating to territories with low and high population density, studying the structure of employment of the population, including employment in agriculture and other industries, and types of economic land use of these rural territories. The development of regional and municipal land management and development schemes of the agro-industrial complex will allow to identify forecast of the spatial development of agricultural land use, to determine the geographical boundaries and areas of arable lands, their expansion, compression or stabilization in bioclimatic limits to meet consumer demand in agricultural products, due to the level of development of the regional economy, interregional and export trade or import of agricultural production. Research and systematic analysis of the entire set of production-economic, socio-economic and natural-ecological factors in the development of the rural economy, its main sectors – agricultural and forestry, and the state of rural infrastructure – engineering (technical) and social (first-aid posts, schools, kindergartens) makes it possible to identify all interconnections between them and make reasonable management decisions.

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