Introduction: Odonates are used as bio-indicators for monitoring habitat degradation both on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem because of their sensitivity to anthropogenic activities. They serve an important role in the ecological food chain by consuming aquatic larvae and being in turn consumed by birds and various amphibians. This study is part of the ongoing research on the diversity of Odonate species of Nigeria. The objective is to determine the abundance and distribution of odonates in Akwa Ibom State and to compare the species diversity across the various sites in Akwa Ibom State. Methodology: Akwa Ibom state was divided into six areas namely Ikot Akpaden, Obio Akpa, Ikot Okoro, Ikot Udofia, Urua Udofia and Obio Ndot using biotypes and a study site was randomly selected in each area. Adult members were captured using a sweep net and were preserved for identification using morphological features. Results: A total of 767 odonates were collected at the six study sites representing 24 species, 16 genera and four families namely Libellulidae (77%), Coenagrionidae (21%), Calopterygidae (>1%) and Chlorocyphidae (>1%). Most of the species collected were members of family Libellullidae (77%) with Palpopleura lucia having the highest occurrence (41%) and found in all the sites. Family Calopterygidae and Chlorocyphidae had less than 1% population of the total individuals collected. Ikot Okoro had the highest number of individuals (238) and the least evenness (e^H/S=0.3292) while Ikot Akpaden, which had the least effect of anthropogenic intrusion had the largest diversity of Odonata species (H’=2.387). Obio Ndot had the most evenly distributed Odonata species (e^H/S=0.8028). There was no statistical difference in the occurrence of dragonflies across all study sites (p= 0.238). Conclusion: The high occurrence of family Libellulidae which are anthropogenic tolerant, and the absence of more highly localized species indicate that most of the study sites have been degraded and may not be fit for species with narrow niches. It is therefore vital to conserve the Odonata community by implementing proper forest management techniques.
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